MeBookToo it is a Social Network of users who share common interests ( photography, music, school, art, sports, technology, science, etc... ) who can meet and design projects of collaborative writing. By telling what really fascinates.users who share common interests ( photography, music, school, art, sports, technology, science, etc... ) who can meet and design projects of collaborative writing. By telling what really fascinates.
MeBookToo is a marketplace of eBooks written by many hands and evolving collaborative writing projects. If you like the reading YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE. For every project there are many contents to be read and vote ... you will have fun, both by participating that judging the contributions of those who want to become a great author ... just like you.
MeBookToo will publish the eBooks in the most important Online Store ( Amazon Kindle Store, iBooks Store, Google Books, etc... ) and unbelievable: ALL THE AUTHORS WILL RECEIVE A GAIN PROPORTIONAL TO THE PERCENTAGE OF ATTENDANCE TO WRITING.
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